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How to Repair Relationships

with Unhappy Customers

Before the Walk Away

Does your team feel drained

from managing upset customers every day?

Our FREE 40-Minute Insight Session, How to Repair Relationships with Unhappy Customers, dives into the practical skills and strategies your team needs to repair broken customer relationships and prevent them from walking away.

In just 40 minutes, you’ll discover:

🚀 Why customers complain and how to uncover the deeper emotions behind their anger.

🚀 How to transform complaints into opportunities to strengthen your brand and win trust.

🚀 Proven techniques to diffuse tense situations with empathy and confidence.

Your Presenter

Chantel Botha
BrandLove Africa
Hi, I’m Chantel, and believe me, I know being a Customer Experience (CX) Professional is tough.
I have been there! Dealing with organisational complexity, egos, and politics does not help either. When I started with my first Customer Experience (CX) transformation program in 2008, I was yearning to make a difference!
I wanted happier customers and happier employees serving those customers. Creating great Customer Experiences (CX) should not be so hard I kept on saying to myself in my early days being responsible for a large Customer Experience (CX) transformation.
  • Chantel Botha
    BrandLove Africa
    Hi, I’m Chantel, and believe me, I know being a Customer Experience (CX) Professional is tough.
    I have been there! Dealing with organisational complexity, egos, and politics does not help either. When I started with my first Customer Experience (CX) transformation program in 2008, I was yearning to make a difference!
    I wanted happier customers and happier employees serving those customers. Creating great Customer Experiences (CX) should not be so hard I kept on saying to myself in my early days being responsible for a large Customer Experience (CX) transformation.